Предстојећи догађаји

Mirjana Popovic and Псалто-појачка школа

Догађај на нивоу сајта
Event Name: Онлајн час

Location: This is a Google Meet web conference.
You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Need to make changes to this event?
Cancel: https://calendly.com/cancellations/aed74a69-bff0-4f43-8c9f-f79df4239606
Reschedule: https://calendly.com/reschedulings/aed74a69-bff0-4f43-8c9f-f79df4239606

Powered by Calendly.com

Über Google Meet teilnehmen: https://meet.google.com/gqz-zjdf-adt

Weitere Informationen zu Meet: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Google Meet (instructions in description)

Vasic Aleksandar and Псалто-појачка школа

Догађај на нивоу сајта
Event Name: Онлајн час

Location: This is a Google Meet web conference.
You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Need to make changes to this event?
Cancel: https://calendly.com/cancellations/b7b5885c-36b4-4a98-b3e8-7ffe5b58fe47
Reschedule: https://calendly.com/reschedulings/b7b5885c-36b4-4a98-b3e8-7ffe5b58fe47

Powered by Calendly.com

Über Google Meet teilnehmen: https://meet.google.com/sym-bsay-mam

Weitere Informationen zu Meet: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Google Meet (instructions in description)

Mirjana Popovic and Псалто-појачка школа

Догађај на нивоу сајта
Event Name: Онлајн час

Location: This is a Google Meet web conference.
You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Need to make changes to this event?
Cancel: https://calendly.com/cancellations/d316072b-efed-4284-8387-165511b18c38
Reschedule: https://calendly.com/reschedulings/d316072b-efed-4284-8387-165511b18c38

Powered by Calendly.com

Über Google Meet teilnehmen: https://meet.google.com/pzi-uath-oqs

Weitere Informationen zu Meet: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Google Meet (instructions in description)

Vasic Aleksandar and Псалто-појачка школа

Догађај на нивоу сајта
Event Name: Онлајн час

Location: This is a Google Meet web conference.
You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Need to make changes to this event?
Cancel: https://calendly.com/cancellations/e1ca2a78-99ff-45d7-a0eb-1db5b3eb7c58
Reschedule: https://calendly.com/reschedulings/e1ca2a78-99ff-45d7-a0eb-1db5b3eb7c58

Powered by Calendly.com

Über Google Meet teilnehmen: https://meet.google.com/izs-gjna-qty

Weitere Informationen zu Meet: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Google Meet (instructions in description)

Tomáš Klásek and Псалто-појачка школа

Догађај на нивоу сајта
Event Name: Онлајн час

Location: This is a Google Meet web conference.
You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Need to make changes to this event?
Cancel: https://calendly.com/cancellations/b925558e-5b0b-4537-a6f2-d02985d0825b
Reschedule: https://calendly.com/reschedulings/b925558e-5b0b-4537-a6f2-d02985d0825b

Powered by Calendly.com

Über Google Meet teilnehmen: https://meet.google.com/amo-wdps-ycz

Weitere Informationen zu Meet: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Google Meet (instructions in description)

Mirjana Popovic and Псалто-појачка школа

Догађај на нивоу сајта
Event Name: Онлајн час

Location: This is a Google Meet web conference.
You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Need to make changes to this event?
Cancel: https://calendly.com/cancellations/acc53074-0986-4a08-8c23-6a731679a3e5
Reschedule: https://calendly.com/reschedulings/acc53074-0986-4a08-8c23-6a731679a3e5

Powered by Calendly.com

Über Google Meet teilnehmen: https://meet.google.com/tqu-hmkh-hur

Weitere Informationen zu Meet: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Google Meet (instructions in description)